The Best of 2017: Weddings


The Best of 2017: Weddings

Before I officially close the 2017 chapter of my business, I wanted to share two blog posts on "The Best of 2017!" I had the honor and the privilege of working with some pretty amazing couples in 2017, and I wanted to share some of my all-time favorites.

Last week I shared Part 1 - The Best of 2017: Engagements and, today, I'm featuring Part 2 - The Best of 2017: Weddings! I looked back on all the wedding photos I captured in 2017 and narrowed them down to my absolute favorites from each couple's wedding day. These images make me fall in love all over again with my job, and I ended up with 1,418 wedding favorites from 2017! But I narrowed that down even further, and I am only sharing the very best of the best on this post today! 

I hope you enjoy my personal all-time favorites from all the couples who had their wedding in 2017!



I believe photography is artful storytelling and I am passionate about getting to know you and your story because I don’t want to feel like a total stranger on your wedding day or like just another vendor you hired. I want to show up on your wedding day as a friend because when we get to know each other like BFFs, I’m able to capture your love story THAT much better!


I Believe in Artful Storytelling


I will do anything to make you laugh, and I promise I won't make you do awkward poses - I want to capture those messy cake-on-your-face, in-between moments! Those moments that are unplanned and not scripted as well as the timeless portraits. Where maybe your hair isn’t perfect, but the look on your face is pure joy! I want to capture your love’s quirks, your laughs, the beautiful details, and all those romantic and emotion-filled moments throughout the day!


I Believe in Laughter and the Messy, Unplanned Moments


I’m drawn to couples who want to celebrate their wedding day a little differently! I believe you should create a celebration that represents your unique story and that weddings should be more than just repeated traditions. I believe that you should actually ENJOY planning your wedding! I believe in creating your own traditions. I believe that loving someone deeply is worth celebrating.


I Believe It's Ok to Celebrate Your Day Differently




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